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Created 8-Nov-15
Modified 8-Nov-15
Les Canards Chantants - 1.500 Surround Sound. Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul - Philadelphia. Saturday, Nov 7, 2015. Events included a workshop to prepare a performance of Spem in Alium by Thomas Tallis. The piece was the finale piece of the Les Canards Chantants concert at the Basilica on Saturday evening. Galleries include: Workshop - 'snapshots' of the participants in group preparation as well as breakout groups. Concert: Les Canards Chantants concert joined by workshop participants for the Tallis piece. Images have been cropped and resized for web viewing. Permission granted to download/use. Credit not required, but appreciated. Bill Coughlin [email protected]


Visitors 39
0 photos
Created 8-Nov-15
Modified 8-Nov-15


Visitors 39
0 photos
Created 8-Nov-15
Modified 8-Nov-15