Please visit the BCCC Web Site For Updated Information Regarding Appearances and Concerts:
http://www.bcccsings.orgFor additional information or requests, please contact Bill at:
[email protected]_____________________________________________
Upcoming Concerts & AppearancesAPPEARANCESo March 4, Sunday, 4 p.m., Choristers, Chorale, and MasterSingers, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Orwigsburg, PAo April 15, Sunday, 3 p.m., MasterSingers Ringgold Band Concert, Scottish Rite Cathedral, West Reading, PAo April 28, Saturday, 8 p.m., Choristers and Chorale, Reading Symphony Orchestra Concert, Sovereign Performing Arts Center, Reading, PACOMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT· May 6, Sunday, 3 p.m.Twentieth Anniversary Season CelebrationSovereign Performing Arts Center, Reading, PA, 3 p.m., Brundibar, one act opera; Reading Symphony Orchestra and Berks Opera Workshop, 4:30 p.m., Twentieth Anniversary Spring ConcertThe season ends with an afternoon of collaborations and world premieres—open FREE to the public! At 3 p.m., BCCC joins the Reading Symphony Orchestra and the Berks Opera Workshop in a production of Burndibar, an opera for young people originally performed by the children of the Theresienstadt concentration camp in occupied Czechoslovakia during World War II.At 4:30 p.m., BCCC presents its Twentieth Anniversary Spring Concert with the premieres of commissioned works by world renowned Stephen Hatfield and Eleanor Daly, and Berks County’s own, David Himes.Alumni are invited back to sing BCCC’s signature song, “Blessingo Sept.-April, Neighborhood Duets, Lauer’s Park and 10th & Penn Elementary Schools, Reading, PAo February 25, Saturday, Choristers and Chorale Programs; Noon, Reading Public Library, Reading, PA; 2:00 p.m., Berks Heim, Leesport, PAo June Dates TBA, Summer Sing!, Hope Lutheran Church, Reading, PA